Michael Levi Borkman "The Power Connector"

                   MICHAEL LEVI BORKMAN  
                  "THE POWER CONNECTOR"

                  When I picture you, even though I most likely never met you, I picture someone valuable.  A million times more valuable than the most expensive Rolex.  And a Rolex never goes on sale.  So to me, your value will never go down.

                My name is Michael Levi Borkman.  I am the host and the producer of the extreme carolina podcast and radio show.  My Passion is helping people.  People that can't help themselves and even people that can.

                  If you are reading this I am writing this for you.  I am writing this for everyone.  Because everyone deserves the right to succeed.  My goal in all of this when it's all said and done, is to give you knowledge that I've learned over the course of my life.  To put you in a position for success.  A position to succeed.

                  I am what the people around me always call "The Power Connector".  I bring people together.  If there are two Entrepreneurs that I have a feeling would benefit by working together, I don't hesitate connecting them.  Bringing them together benefits all of us.  That's how great things happen.

                 I already see you as a successful person.  You're here.  You're a survivor, and that is a success story in itself.

                 Take a Journey with me in this book.  I am sharing my chapters in this blog.  Because it's not about sales and the bottem line.  It's about YOU.  Keeping you motivated and finding your purpose.

                 When it comes to getting started on your goals, I want to be that plug.  Because once you recieve that spark of energy towards your goal.  That electricity.  That drive.  That connection.  You are on your way towards success.

                 Knowing what you want to do.  Your Purpose.  Those are sometimes the missing pieces to the puzzle of your success story.  Once you find those things, that's when you build momentum.

                 My advice to you is to do what you love.  Your passion is what makes you feel alive.  And that's the best way to live.

                 So sit back, relax, and I hope you enjoy my advice.  Because I wrote this with love and with the belief that you have what it takes to live whatever kind of life your heart desires.  I'm just here to help you connect the dots.

                 I hope you enjoy the Interviews that will be on this Blog.  They are an inspiration to us all.  Sharing their Journey towards success gives us the hope that we can get there too."

                                   Michael Levi Borkman
                                   "The Power Connector"
                                   Host of 95.1fm
                                   Extreme Carolina Blog


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