Michael Levi Borkman "Things Will Fall In Place"

                       Michael Levi Borkman

        Now that you are starting to connect the dots in your life I'm going to share with you a little about me.   When I was 12 years old I knew my Mom loved going to Church.  In fact, going to Church was a requirement.  My Mom would always say 'You live in this house, your going to Church!"

       My Dad on the other hand worked two full time jobs, both eight hour shifts.  One Sunday, my Dad was very exhausted.  I got the feeling that he was trying to get out of driving Mom to Church.  I said, "I'll drive you Mom!"  My Mom hesitated because I was just 12 years old so I continued to speak my mind.  "I've been watching Dad.  I'll figure it out."  I said.

       As I drove my Mom towards the Church I remember seeing a cab in front of us.  Then I closed my eyes.  My hands automatically swerved one way.  I drove across a ditch and through one set of hedges, and another set of hedges.  By the time our car stopped we ended up in a Field.

        I don't know how we survived that without a scratch, but I'm not complaining.  But now I have another problem.  We had to vapl my Dad, my exhausted Dad, to pick us up.  I remember hearing my Dad yell, "Boy, what were you thinking?"  Just when I thought I was in big trouble my Mom cut him off and said, "He was doing what you should have been do8ng!  And if you lay a finger on him you'll have to answer to me!"

       She protected me.  She knew my heart was in the right place.  And when your heart is in the right place, eventually things will fall in place for you.  And eventually, if you haven't realized this already, there is something bigger than us that will help things fall in place.  For you, for me, and for everybody.  Soemthing that will protect you.  And guide you towards an amazing life.  All you have to do is open your heart to God.  You don't have to understand it.  You just have to open your mind to it.  Where do you think you get your blessings from?  Trust me, there is something bigger than all of us that is allowing you to steer the wheel.  Acknowledge this and you will open yourself up to a beautiful journey of self discovery.

                           Michael Levi Borkman                                            "The Power Connector"                                             Host of 95.1fm                                                             Extreme Carolina Blog


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