Michael Levi Borkman "Connecting The Dots"

                   MICHAEL LEVI BORKMAN                  
                  "CONNECTING THE DOTS"

                        Thank you for turning the page to the next chapter of our Journey together.  You already know that I am known as the "Power Connector.  It's time to connect the dots.  Your success story is a game of connect the dots.  In the beginning the dots make no sense.  They are scattered.              

                       Your goal in life is to get the dots to make sense.  The dots are all the important things in your life.  Stuff you have.  Stuff you don't have.  Family, goals, your beliefs, financial freedom, your talents, and your wants, your dreams, and your passions.  All of these things symbolize the dots in your life.            

                      The problem we have is we don't connect the dots, we juggle them.  Like a professional circus clown.  What happens when anyone tries to juggle too many things at once?  You drop the ball.  You lose focus.  You lose control.  We work harder not smarter, and the important people in your life get the version of you that is drained.  Now they are at the mercy of your juggling act, hoping you don't drop the ball.  Hoping you don't let them down.          

                   Not anymore.  You are the nucleus of your life.  The central and most important part.  Now is the day that you control your happiness, not juggle with it.  Connect the dots.  Get better connected with your passion.  Get connected with your talents.  Get connected to the person you want to be.  Get better connected with your family, team, business partners, and your clients.  Even get better connected with your goals.        

                 Every time, you take the time, to connect with the important people and the most important things in your life, you will be in control of your happiness and your life story.            

               You will be in synergy with everything that means the world to you, like your daughters, your sons, your wife, or your husband.  You will have a synergy with your beliefs and even your career.  And you will be lost in beautiful bliss.

              By the time you look up from being the nucleus of your life.  You will see that you masterfully connected the dots of all the people and things that matter to you most.  And all the dots you connected made the perfect picture of your dream life, and everything that you didn't understand before will start to make sense.

                                 Michael Levi Borkman                                            "The Power Connector"                                             Host of 95.1fm                                                             Extreme Carolina Blog


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